viernes, 7 de junio de 2019


In a little room filled with shelves and books, illuminated by a candelabrum, behind the red curtain that cover the door, appears the shadow of one hand, during a second the hand was immobile and act followed take _ an old book of the central shelves, between Pride and Prejudice of Jane Austen, published in 1815 and The Maltese Falcon writted by Dashiell Hammett, quickly desappers.

In the same room, in fronte the central shelve we saw two large windows, with the red curtain through which the blinding daylight of summer illuminated the dark room. A man with the appearance of being about 60 years old, enters the room with a large box full of books, with the intention of placing them on the shelf.when he realizes that his favorite book is missing, which was between two great classics, so he starts looking for it in the room leaving the box of books on top of a small table next to a chair.

we are in the garden of an incredible house, in the lawn we see the body of a woman who lacks a finger, does not reach the age of 50, is dead.At that very moment, a man with a frightened look comes out of the house, trying to understand how to arrive there that woman unknown to him. Once she regains lucidity, she rushes into the house, grabs the kitchen phone and dials 112. A young woman with a trembling voice answers the phone asking if something has happened, the man explains what happened.

In the same garden we see many uniformed men collecting all the information they can about the crime that has appeared in that place. A woman with a more experienced appearance than the rest, once all examined gives permission to two of his men to remove the body and take it to the morgue.

we're back at the home of the man with the books, who is sitting on his couch with a cup of reading you absorbed in one of his books, The portrait of Dorian Gray, when the phone rings and a mysterious voice tells him that a woman To death, our man is totally stunned and with trembling pulse before letting a tear out of his eyes and sliding down his face.

The years go by and our man falls very ill and I decide to donate all his books to an organization before losing his life. When he is opening them for the last time before packaging them, he observes that that book, which he had lost before his beloved lost his life without any reason, was on the side shelf covered by a fabric of that woman's favorite color, disoriented, he opens the book with the intention of reading it for the last time, but unfortunately for him he sees the evidence that indicates who was the lady's killer, he cut the finger that was missing, and that horrible dream that he had since that event, It became a reality. That man suffered a personality disorder, so when he killed the woman he was not conscious, but his dreams reminded him day and night while he slept.

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