viernes, 7 de junio de 2019


Five years ago, when I was 12 years old a burglar broke into my house while I was babysitting for
my little brother. At Athens time my brother was only 6 years old and this bad experience affected
him for a long time after.

It was 10 o’clock in the evening and my mom had left two hours before, we were sitting on the sofa
watching TV when suddenly we heard a noise coming from the dining room. I got up and went to
find out what was happening. I saw that the kitchen window was open and I knew that my mother
had closed all the windows and doors before she had left. I went back to my brother and told them
that he had to come upstairs with me and that we were going to play hide and seek.
At first he did not want to come because he was watching his favorite programmer Inazuma eleven
but I convinced him by offering him some sweets. When we got upstairs I hid my brother inside a
wardrobe in my mum’s bedroom and I told him not to make a noise. I hid behind the door and rang
my mum.
However she didn’t answer the phone so I rang the police. They told me they would come
immediately and that I should not move from the bedroom. Five minutes later I heard someone
coming upstairs and a man dressed in black with hoodie came into the bedroom. Unfortunately my
little brother had found a game boy in the wardrobe and just as the man came in the device made
a noise. The man went towards the wardrobe so I got hold of a baseball bat that my mom hidden
behind the door and I hit the man on the head. The man fell onto the floor and I thought that I had
murdered him. The police suddenly arrived and called an ambulance. Then my mom came home
and found the ambulance and police cars outside the house and she nearly fainted in shock.

The next day the story was in the headlines and I was called a hero for having defended my brother.
Luckily the man didn’t die, but after that I did not want to stay alone at home.

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